Brother Lock 640D Instruction Manual
Brother Lock 640D Instruction Manual

Brother Lock 640D Instruction Manual Brother Lock 640D Instruction Manual

On the other hand, a hard to find manual will take a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks to arrive since it takes time for the manufacturer to locate your specific manual.Īlso note that some manuals may be photocopies and not originals because some manuals are out-of-print. Your Sewing Machine or Serger Manual will arrive within 7- 9 working days, generally sooner many ship the same day. If the manual you are requesting is not available and it can be substituted with another like machine manual that offers the same info it will be substituted. You will see a list of instruction manuals or service manuals. To order your Sewing Machine or Serger Machine Manual please identify the brand of machine and the model number, by clicking on the pull-down menu. Stitch Finger / Width Former / Chaining Tongue Feed Dog & Feed / Darning Covers & Plates

Brother Lock 640D Instruction Manual